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金城泰電動工具哪裡生產 2024-10-20 07:49:34


發布時間: 2022-02-07 09:41:38

① 石油工程專業英語翻譯用哪個軟體

系統擁有海量石油詞庫 ----石油英漢、漢英詞彙共65萬條。其中,英漢詞條30萬條,漢英詞條35萬條
涵蓋石油地質、物探、鑽井、錄井 、測井、地面工程建設、井下作業、採油、油藏、油氣管道及儲運、經濟管理等各個石油專業領域。還包括其他相關專業,如:化工、環境、經濟、法律、計算機、機電、船舶等專業。

② 石油鑽井一些專業術語英語及縮寫是什麼


bottom hole assembly 井下鑽具組合
maintain the angle 穩斜
rigid packed hole assembly 剛性滿眼鑽具組合
penlum drill-assembly 鍾擺鑽具組合
straighten the hole 糾斜
tapered drill-assembly 塔式鑽具組合
stabilizer 扶正器
anti-deviation control and deviation building up 防斜,穩斜,增斜
reasonable 合理的
The reasonable length of the bottom hole assembly depends on the weight on bit. Normally , the maximum weight on bit is roughly equal to 70% of the total weight of the bottom hole assembly.
Up to standard 達到標准
Packed-hole stabilizer = full hole stabilizer 滿眼扶正器
Down hole complicated condition 井下復雜情況
Drifting drilling assembly 通井鑽具組合
Drilling jar 隨鑽震擊器
Heavy wall drill pipe 加重鑽桿
Shock absorber 減震器
To rece the excessive impact on a drilling bit so as to prolong the life of the bit
Fishing assembly 打撈鑽具組合
Make-up sub ,safety sub ,drilling jar ,drill collar and accelerator 對口接頭,安全接頭,隨鑽震擊器,鑽鋌,加速器
Slip socket 卡瓦打撈筒
At the bottom of the drill-string assembly
The 150 m drill pipe shall be used when the deviation angle is between 0°∽35°,the 250∽300 m heavy drill pipe be used between 35°∽80°,and the 300∽400 m heavy drill pipe be used at 80°and above.
Power drilling assembly 井下動力鑽具組合
It consists of drilling bit , power drilling tool ,bent sub ,non-magnetic drill collar ,six drill collars and twelve heavy wall drill pipe 動力鑽具,彎接頭,無磁鑽鋌
S135 means that the tensile strength is 135psi.
Safety slip 安全卡瓦
Fingerboard 指梁
Small hoist 小氣葫蘆
Neutral point 中和點
Once every three months for continuous operation
Mud non- corrosive ring 泥漿腐蝕環
Hydraulic power station 液壓箱
Scraper 刮泥器
Automatic trip-in devices 自動灌漿器
Sensor 感測器
Trip tank = meter tank 計量罐
Slug the drill pipe 打入重漿
Pump stroke 泵沖
Mud saver 防噴盒
Doghouse 偏房
Dies , jaws ,hydraulic tong 鉗牙,鉗頭,液壓大鉗
Lifting sub 提升短節
18 degrees shoulder elevator 18度斜坡吊卡
cock 旋塞
rope 兜繩 monkey board 二層台
hammer and adjustable wrench 榔頭和活動扳手
escape equipment 逃生裝置
derrick 井架
crown-o-matic 防碰天車
adjust 調整
gear』s position 擋位
reaming bit and bit breaker 劃眼鑽頭以及鑽頭盒
foreman』s warehouse 大班房
steel roller 鋼捲尺
tape 皮尺
lay down the drill string 甩鑽具
after the cementing operation
dope 鉛油
it is better to apply it with the sealing film 密封膜
mmy trip 短起下
torque indicator 扭矩表
chain tong 鏈鉗
pipe tong 管鉗
four jet bit 四水眼噴射鑽頭
diamond bit 金鋼石鑽頭
bit sub 鑽頭接頭
It is a bell sub ,convenient for fishing 鍾式接頭
Reaming bit
Six pulse nozzles 6個脈沖水眼
Shock absorber 減震器
Retrievable-sleeve stabilizer 可換滑套式扶正器
Drilling jar shake up and down 隨鑽震擊器上下震擊
Under tensile condition
Coring tools coring bit coring barrel
Measurement while the drilling 隨鑽測斜儀
Cross-over sub 配合接頭
The same type of thread
Are the last joints of the drill pipes stands or single joints ?
Kelly saver sub 方保接頭

③ 石油工程專業課程名字英語翻譯 急用 ~謝謝

oil layer physics
permeation fluid mechanics
oilfield chemistry fundamentals
ordinary geology and formational geology
exploit geology basis
well log interpretation and proction logging
oil extraction engineering
Introction to drilling engineering
numerical reservoir simulation
reservoir engineering basis

④ 石油工程 專業名詞怎麼翻譯!急

技術經濟學Technology Economics

油氣田開發地質oil and gas field development geology

工程力學engineering mechanics

計算機程序設計computer programming


滲流力學mechanics of flow through porous media

鑽井工程drilling engineering

採油工程oil well proction engineering

油藏工程petroleum reservoir engineering

油田化學oilfield chemistry

鑽采新技術 new technology of Drilling and Proction

⑤ 求 石油工程 一個名詞解釋 彈性採油量


⑥ 石油工程概念

2石油:中文名稱:石油英文名稱:petroleum 定義:以碳氫化合物為主要成分的,有色可燃性油質液體礦物。 應用學科:資源科技(一級學科);能源資源學(二級學科) 。
http://ke..com/view/16263.htm 網路也有詳解。
4。石油工程,網路也有詳解,網路搜一下就有了,有的問題別再浪費資源,多用點心,不要什麼都等著現成的(石油工程是一門專業課的名字,工學地礦類課程。主要課程:技術經濟學、油氣田開發地質、工程力學、計算機程序設計、流體力學、滲流力學、鑽井工程、採油工程、油藏工程、油田化學、鑽采新技術等。 )。

⑦ 石油工程包括哪些專業


⑧ 石油工程專業英語

石油工程專業英語漢譯英 謝謝
只會其中幾個也請告訴我 萬分感謝
English Chinese translation of Petroleum Engineering
Wet phase saturation
Non wetting phase saturation
Non movable wettability
Matrix core
Fractal theory of porous media
Principle of equivalent continuous medium
Only a few of them, please tell me thank you very much