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⑴ 歷史上石油泄漏的大事故和造成的後果,用英文,謝謝謝謝。

10 in the history of the largest offshore oil spill and its impact on the environment

1、「埃克森-瓦爾迪茲」號觸礁事故 1, "Exxon - Valdez" ran aground Accident No.

時間:1989年3月23日 Time: March 23, 1989

地點:阿拉斯加州的威廉王子峽灣 Location: Alaska's Prince William fjord

漏油量:3.5萬噸 Oil volume: 35,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

溢油散布約1300公里長海岸線,同時殺滅了食物鏈基層的微生藻類及浮游生物。 Oil spill spread about 1,300 km long coastline, and kill the food chain of micro-algae and plankton primary.

阿拉鎮豎斯加地區一度繁盛的鯡魚產業在1993年徹底崩潰;大馬哈魚種群數量始終保持在很低水平;在這一區域棲息的小型虎鯨群型旅悔體瀕臨滅絕。 Alaska once thriving herring instry collapsed in 1993; salmon populations remain at very low levels; habitat in the region of small groups of killer whales endangered.

大約28萬只海鳥、2800隻海獺、300隻斑海豹、250隻白頭海雕以及22隻虎鯨死亡。 About 28 million seabirds, 2800 sea otters, 300 harbor seal, 250 bald eagle and 22 killer whales died.

在當年發生事故的海灘上,土壤和海水裡依然存在大量油污。 Accidents in the year on the beach, soil and water in a large number of oil remains. 此外,潛在的損害更進一步擴展到事件發生地的生態系統中,存活下來的生物在受到沖擊後的數年中,受毒物的影響將遺傳至數種生物的後代。 In addition, further expansion of the potential damage to the incident took place in the ecosystem, the creatures survived by several years after impact, the impact will be affected by toxic to several types of bio-genetic offspring.

2, "托利卡尼卜正翁" was an accident

時間:1967年 Time: 1967

地點:英國康沃爾郡錫利群島 Location: England Cornwall Isles of Scilly

漏油量:12.3萬噸 Amount of oil: 123,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

向事發水域總共投放了42.1萬磅(約合19萬公斤)炸彈。 Waters of the incident put a total of 42.1 million pounds ($ 1.9 million kg) bombs. 一萬多噸有毒溶劑和清潔劑被沖上受原油污染的英國和法國海岸附近沙灘,對陸地和海上野生動物造成長期不利影響。 More than ten thousand tons of toxic solvents and detergents are washed up by the oil pollution off the coast of British and French beaches, wildlife on land and sea cause long-term adverse effects.

3、「M/T天堂」號事故 3, "M / T Heaven" was an accident

時間:1991年 Time: 1991

地點:義大利熱那亞港口的地中海 Location: Mediterranean port of Genoa, Italy

漏油量:14.5萬噸 Amount of oil: 145,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

部分泄漏的原油沉入1600英尺(約合488米)深的海底,可能會在那裡存在數十年甚至數百年。 Some leakage of crude oil sank to 1600 feet (about 488 meters) deep sea, where there may be several decades or even centuries. 義大利和法國兩國海岸花了十多年時間才恢復了當地優美的環境。 Coast between Italy and France took ten years for recovery of the local beautiful environment.

4、「阿莫戈-卡迪茲」號事故 4, "A Moge - Cadiz" was an accident

時間:1978年3月16日 Time: March 16, 1978

地點:法國布列塔尼海岸 Location: Coast of Brittany, France

漏油量:22.3萬噸 Amount of oil: 223,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

船上全部的原油全部泄漏到海里。 All on board all of the crude oil spill into the sea. 在盛行風和潮水的聯合作用下,泄漏的原油漂到200英里(約合322公里)以外的法國海岸線,野生動物因此遭遇重創,共計有2萬只海鳥、9000噸重的牡蠣以及數百萬像海星和海膽這樣棲息於海底的動物死亡。 Prevailing wind and tide in the joint under the action of the oil spill drift to 200 miles (322 kilometers) outside of the French coastline, wildlife thus suffered heavy losses, a total of 20,000 birds, 9,000 tons of oysters and millions of such as starfish and sea urchins on the seabed habitats of animals died.

5、「貝利韋爾城堡」號事故 5, "Bailey Weil Castle" was an accident

時間:1983年 Time: 1983

地點:南非水域 Location: South African waters

漏油量:25.2萬噸 Amount of oil: 252,000 tons  

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

發生在南非水域的最大原油泄漏事故。 In South Africa's largest oil spill waters. 除了對開普敦附近幾個地區的環境造成有限的破壞以外,泄漏的絕大部分原油迅速消散(近岸風、好望角周圍危險水域頻繁的巨浪活動和快速的水流等因素)。 In addition to several areas near Cape Town, causing limited damage to the environment outside, most oil spill rapid dissipation (offshore wind, often dangerous waters around the Cape of Good Hope waves and fast currents and other activity factors). 此外,當局將「貝利韋爾城堡」號船首部分拖入深海,使用炸葯炸沉,也對抑制事故對生態造成的破壞起到了一定的作用。 In addition, the "Billy Weir castle" was dragged into the deep bow section, the use of explosives sunk, but also to inhibit the ecological damage caused by the accident played a role.

6、埃科菲斯克油田井噴事故 6,埃科菲斯克oil blowout

時間:1977年 Time: 1977

地點:挪威和英國之間的北海 Location: North Sea between Norway and the UK

漏油量:26.3萬噸 Amount of oil: 263,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

井噴事故並沒有破壞鑽井平台,這起原油泄漏事故沒有造成重大生態災難。 Blowout and did not damage drilling platforms, which from the oil spill did not cause major ecological disaster.

7、「ABT夏日」號事故 7, "ABT Summer" was an accident

時間:1991年5月初 Time: early May 1991

地點:安哥拉海岸以西900英里南大西洋水域 Location: 900 miles west of Angola, the South Atlantic coastal waters

漏油量:26萬噸 Amount of oil: 260,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

5名船員喪生。 Five crew members were killed. 海面浮漂的原油大部分已經燃燒掉,「ABT夏日」號殘骸也沉入海底。 Sea of crude oil has been largely floats burn, "ABT Summer" was wreckage sank. 隨後尋找沉船的努力至今沒有任何成果。 Subsequent efforts to find the wreck has not been any results.

8、諾魯茲海上油田事故 8, Nao Luzi offshore oil field accident

時間:1983年2月10日 Time: February 10, 1983

地點:伊朗諾魯茲 Location:伊朗諾魯茲

漏油量:26萬噸 Amount of oil: 260,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

該地區受兩伊戰爭影響,原油泄漏與火災持續了近兩年,直至1985年5月才被撲滅。 The region affected by the Iraq war, oil spills and fires lasted nearly two years until May 1985 burn out. 20名工人在試圖撲滅燃燒的油井時遇難。 20 workers tried to extinguish the burning oil wells in when killed.

9、「大西洋女皇」號事故 9, "Atlantic Queen" was an accident

時間:1979年7月19日 Time: July 19, 1979

地點:多巴哥島附近的加勒比海水域 Location: Caribbean waters near Tobago

漏油量:28.7萬噸 Amount of oil: 287,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

約220萬桶原油外泄到多巴哥島附近海水中,其中一部分燃燒掉落。 About 220 million barrels of crude oil leaked into the sea near the island of Tobago, part of which fall burning. 。 .

10、「伊克斯托克-I」油井事故 10, "Iqbal Stoke-I" oil accident

時間:1979年6月3日 Time: June 3, 1979

地點:墨西哥灣 Location: Gulf of Mexico

漏油量:45.4萬噸 Amount of oil: 454,000 tons

對環境的影響: Impact on the environment:

海底油井井噴期間及事故發生後對周圍生態環境環境造成了嚴重沖擊,原油泄漏持續了九個多月的時間,污染了美國得克薩斯州的南帕德拉島。 Undersea oil well blowout ring and after the accident on the surrounding environment causing serious environmental impact, oil spill lasted nine months time, polluting the United States, Texas, South Padre de island.

給力吧 歡迎採納

⑵ 石油對海洋生態系統有哪些影響


⑶ 日本貨輪在模里西斯海岸觸礁漏油,造成的後果有多嚴重



⑷ 問個比較幼稚的問題:如果石油流入大海,會有哪些嚴重的危害謝謝


⑸ 輪船燃油泄漏在海里,這可能會對大海造成什麼樣的影響




