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发布时间: 2023-11-13 13:51:44

Ⅰ 石油英文翻译,英语本来就不好,头疼啊,求大神帮忙,在线翻译的就算了,都懂的。

During the development phase, two successful field-trial jobs have been pumped in Alberta, Canada in a field known to suffer from SCVF brought on by a nuisance gas problem.
Since these jobs were pumped over 6 months ago, the wells have showed no sign of pressure build-up in the annulus or SCVF. The wells are currently under an extended monitoring period, and by using the SHC system, the client has enhanced mitigation for risks from any future hydrocarbon (gas and/or oil) leaks.
The application of the SHC system is not only restricted to use in Canada, indeed as the global problem of leaking wells is not going to disappear in the short term, the use of this new zonal isolation system could be applied to many different wellbore sections and configurations worldwide.
A collaborative approach throughout the development of the SHC system with oil and gas companies has been identified as essential to allow efficient introction of the technology.
One of the main objectives has been to develop a sealant system to mitigate the risk of future degradation of cement sheath. In order to achieve this objective the validation of the technology can be regarded as a long-term issue.
Acknowledgements We thank the management of Suncor Energy Inc. and Schlumberger for their support and permission to publish this paper. Special thanks go to the team at the Schlumberger reservoir fluid testing lab in Edmonton, Canada.

Ⅱ 石油   [shí yóu]什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么

石油 [shí yóu]




  1. 一种液体矿物。是不同的碳氢化合物的混合物,可以燃烧,一般呈褐色、暗绿色或黑色,渗透在岩石的空隙中。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·杂志一》:“ 鄜延 境内有石油,旧说 高奴县 出脂水,即此也。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·石一·石脑油》:“石油所出不一。国朝 正德 末年, 嘉州 开盐井,偶得油水,可以照夜,其光加倍。近复开出数井,官司主之,此亦石油,但出于井尔。”

  2. 指煤油。

    清 黄遵宪 《番客篇》:“分光然石油,次第辉银釭。” 鲁迅 《野草·好的故事》:“灯火渐渐地缩小了,在预告石油的已经不多;石油又不是老牌,早熏得灯罩很昏暗。”


石油,地质勘探的主要对象之一,是一种粘稠的、深褐色液体,被称为“工业的血液”。地壳上层部分地区有石油储存。主要成分是各种烷烃、环烷烃、芳香烃的混合物。石油的成油机理有生物沉积变油和石化油两种学说,前者较广为接受,认为石油是古代海洋或湖泊中的生物经过漫长的演化形成,属于生物沉积变油,不可再生;后者认为石油是由地壳内本身的碳生成,与生物无关,可再生。石油主要被用来作为燃油和汽油,也是许多化学工业产品,如溶液、化肥、杀虫剂和塑胶等的原料。古埃及、古巴比伦人在很早以前已开采利用石油。“石油”这个中文名称是由北宋大科学家沈括第一次命名的。石油的性质因产地而异,密度为0.8 -1.0g/cm3,粘度范围很... 更多→ 石油




煤油 煤气 井喷 火油 核能 风能 汽油 柴油 燃料油 天然气 新能源


液化石油气 石油美元 石油的油能组什么词 石油化工

Ⅲ 石油英文翻译

China is rich in new energy resources, development and utilization of the prospects are bright. In recent years, as China's petroleum and petrochemical instries in the oil, Sinopec and CNOOC's three major oil companies in addition to further speed up oil and gas and other traditional energy development speed, to further increase investment, development and utilization of biomass energy vigorously, solar, wind Energy, geothermal and coal bed methane, and other new energy and make good the development and utilization of results