❶ 优化资源配置的英文怎么说
动词短语:optimize resource allocation/optimize allocation of resources
名词短语:optimization of resource allocation
例句:Most of these systems have solved the problem of resource conflict, but have not solved the problem of the optimization of resource allocation.
❷ 水资源是一种很宝贵的资源英文怎么写
Water a resource is a kind of very valuable resources .
❸ "资源共享"用英文怎么写
资源共享:Resource sharing
网络教育信息资源共享管理研究:Network ecation information resources sharing management research
❹ “资源统筹”的英文怎么说
Resources overall plan
❺ 各种资源的名称用英语怎么说比如矿产资源啊,新能源里的地热能、潮汐能啊什么的。
石油资源oil resource 矿产资源mineral resources 地热能geothermal energy
潮汐能 tidal energy 太阳能 solar energy/solar power
人力资源human resources 信息资源 information resources
❻ “合理调配资源”的英文怎么说
balance the resource reasonly
❼ 资源 英文怎么说
Natural resource
❽ 不越级寻求资源英文怎么写
seeking for resources without skipping a grade.
bypass原意是绕开bypass the authority也是越级的意思。 安表示,“若出现越级上访,当地党和政府领导人会受到处分。”
"If petitioners bypass local authorities, the head of both the Party and government get punished, " An said.
❾ 请求英语高手(资源)英文怎么写