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献血哪些人可以免费用 2025-03-20 06:55:46


发布时间: 2024-10-25 17:19:17

Ⅰ 节约资源的英文单词怎样写

save resources 英语范文: Resources Conservation Currently, The population of the planet grew rapidly while resources become less and less . But people are not strong awareness of resource conservation. Waste resources can be seen in everywhere. A case in point is our school, many high-grade students throw the books of which are not make full use into the garbage heap, rather than recycling. Now,I advocate senior students should left those textbooks to junior students, raise the awareness of saving resources. This is also concive to increase friendship, to develop the habit of helping others. Let us all act it. Protection of our resources to achieve sustainable development. Our planet will become more suitable for human habitation. 翻译: 节约资源 如今,地球上的人口增长很快,而资源却越来越少。但是人们节约资源的意识并不强。浪费资源的现象到处可见。 在我们学校就是如此,许多高年级的学生把没写完的课本都丢到垃圾堆里,而不是回收再利用。 现在,我提倡高年级同学把可以用的课本留给低年级学生、提高节约资源的意识。这也有利于增进友谊,养成助人为乐的习惯。 希望大家支持! 让我们大家都行动起来吧。保护我们的资源 实现可持续发展 我们的地球将变的更适合人类居住。

Ⅱ 节约资源,保护地球,有益于每个人,让我们共同努力! 翻成英语怎么说

nurse resources, protect the earth,be beneficial to everyone,let's coordinate our efforts